7 Continents Before 30

It all started with a simple trip to Sydney, Australia in 2013. I thought I was just joining a friend for a New Year's Eve destination, but it became much more than that. My wanderlust was instantaneously sparked.

It was my first time leaving North America, and I quickly realized it would not be my last.


...so what happened next?

Well let me start off by saying I didn't always have a goal of reaching all 7 continents.

I fell in love with what traveling offered me, and it quickly and organically became an attainable accomplishment. After a study abroad opportunity in Asia, to a trek of the Inca Trail in South America, to visiting family in Poland, and many adventures in-between, I suddenly thought to myself, wow... I have been to 5 of 7 continents. Why not see them all! And that is when the spark of energy began. The idea was planted. I would see all 7 continents before I turned 30.


Temples in Japan ^


Views on the Inca Trail ^


Visiting family in Poland ^

With 2 more continents to go, Africa was next 馃實. I researched many travel opportunities within this vast continent, and settled on what would certainly be both a mental and physical challenge. I summitted Kilimanjaro on New Year's Day of 2020.


6 continents. Which one was left? That's right...the expansive white continent of Antarctica. And how the heck do you get there??

Getting to Antarctica is not as challenging as some people may think, but unfortunately there is no "budget friendly" way to get there. This is a costly, but totally worth it, experience. I was determined to accomplish the goal I set for myself, and I put in the work to make this dream become a reality. (More to come in my upcoming blog about my Antarctica trip!)


So that is my story about how I personally reached all 7 continents. But how can you do the same?

I think that a lot of people, when they think of traveling, especially internationally, automatically assume they can't afford it. Travel can be done very efficiently and cheaply if you research your resources ahead of time. Below are some tips to follow when traveling abroad to get the best bang for your buck.

  • You don't need to stay at the fanciest hotel or go out to eat every day.
    • Find an affordable airbnb or couch surfing host home to stay in.
    • Visit a local grocery store or market for fresh and local food. Challenge yourself to whip up a fresh local recipe!
  • Utilize a credit card that gives you points/miles towards a certain airline to save on the cost of your flight.
  • Exchange money before you leave the country. Exchange rates at a bank are most often a lot cheaper than exchanging currency in the foreign country, or withdrawing from an ATM.
    • Review your bank's foreign card fees. Most banks charge you a certain percentage when you charge your debit card overseas.
  • Immerse yourself with the locals. Major tourist attractions can gobble up your cash. Spend a day walking around the city and ask the locals what some of their favorite spots are. This will help you see the true culture of a location while also often saving money.

You may also be asking yourself, why 7 continents? Is it really worth it for anything other than bragging rights?

YES. The answer is 1000% yes. I've often been asked, "so which one was your favorite?" I simply cannot answer that. Each one was so unique in it's own way, and for different reasons.

I truly feel blessed to have been immersed in so many unique lands and cultures in which we all call this one planet Earth, home. Traveling has truly helped me grow as an individual and has had a positive influence on the way I approach my daily life. Even if you can't make it to all 7 continents, I encourage you to "get out there", even if it's a new city within your own state! You never know who you will meet or what you may learn. Our Earth is endless, and it is here for us to explore. 馃

Cheers, and happy adventures my friends! 馃
